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Roblox Visibility Control Tool

Roblox tool. Written in lua. Select any object, the tool will show the children and allow you to toggle visibility.

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Kawaii Puzzle

A kute puzzle game. I programmed new game mode and implement some quality of life features.

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Wizardry Fate

A 2d platformer game with creative mechanic. I programmed the core game mechanic (combat skill vs movement). The enemy has AI and different moveset to attack player.

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A collection of libraries used in Unity Project such as Design Patterns, Matrices, Events, common algorithms and more

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From Tile to Image

A Unity Plugin to convert a tilemap into a 2d image.

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Spaceship Shooter

A 2d game created in Unity. A very challenging game with playstyle similar to space-invader.

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XO Game

A XO Game (Gomoku Game) created on web, using HTML, CSS, Typescript and AngularJS.

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Vision-Guided Bin-picking Robot

University Capstone Project. Having a box with pre-defined, simple shaped object in random position and orientation. Develope software solution to guide the robot to pick the object and place it in the correct bin. I am software lead in this project. Key technology: OpenCV, Python, Deep Learning with YoloV3, Depth Map Construction and AruCo.

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Crossing Road

A 'crossing-road' game in school-life theme. The game is created for Raspberry Pi and written in C.

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Wack A Mole

A simple 'wacking-mole' game created for Nuvoton Board NUC140VE3CN. The source code is written in C and Keil.

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Roblox Visibility Control Tool

Roblox tool. Written in lua. Select any object, the tool will show the children and allow you to toggle visibility.

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Kawaii Puzzle

A kute puzzle game. I programmed new game mode and implement some quality of life features.

Wizardry Fate

A 2d platformer game with creative mechanic. I programmed the core game mechanic (combat skill vs movement). The enemy has AI and different moveset to attack player.


A collection of libraries used in Unity Project such as Design Patterns, Matrices, Events, common algorithms and more

From Tile to Image

A Unity Plugin to convert a tilemap into a 2d image.

Spaceship Shooter

A 2d game created in Unity. A very challenging game with playstyle similar to space-invader.

XO Game

A XO Game (Gomoku Game) created on web, using HTML, CSS, Typescript and AngularJS.

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Crossing Road

A 'crossing-road' game in school-life theme. The game is created for Raspberry Pi and written in C.

Wack A Mole

A simple 'wacking-mole' game created for Nuvoton Board NUC140VE3CN. The source code is written in C and Keil.

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I didn't create all images in the portfolio. Most come from the game pages on Play Store or App Store.

The cover image on the top is generated using ChatGPT. Some decorations were grabbed (free) from freepik.com

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