Leetcode Fighter: Group Anagrams

Created on: 26 Nov 24 16:00 +0700 by Son Nguyen Hoang in English

Documents and study note for classic leetcode problem: Anagram Groups

alt text

Problem Statement

Given an array of strings strs, group all anagrams together into sublists. You may return the output in any order.

An anagram is a string that contains the exact same characters as another string, but the order of the characters can be different.

Example 1:

Input: strs = [“act”,“pots”,“tops”,“cat”,“stop”,“hat”] Output: [[“hat”],[“act”, “cat”],[“stop”, “pots”, “tops”]]

Example 2:

Input: strs = [“x”] Output: [[“x”]]

Example 3:

Input: strs = [""] Output: [[""]]


1 <= strs.length <= 1000.
0 <= strs[i].length <= 100
strs[i] is made up of lowercase English letters.

A short analysis

The problem is not hard. The first instinct of mine would be to reuse solution in “IsAnagram” and adapt to this problem. The change would be to make a hashmap with string to be a key. We would love to every string in the list. Check if the hashmap has the key which is an anagram of that string. If exist then append that string into the map. If not then create a new string.

The funnier part when solving this solution would be to write a fuzzy test cases generator to mass-produce test cases for benchmarking.


First Attempt

func CheckIfAnagramExist(string2 string, map_input map[string][]string) {
	exist_key := false
	for key, _ := range map_input {
		if (is_anagram.IsAnagram(is_anagram.InputString{
			S1: string2,
			S2: key,
		})) {
			map_input[key] = append(map_input[key], string2)
			exist_key = true
	if !exist_key {
		map_input[string2] = []string{string2}


func GroupAnagrams(strs []string) [][]string {
	anagramMap := make(map[string][]string)

	for _, str := range strs {
		CheckIfAnagramExist(str, anagramMap)

	data := [][]string{}

	for _, strs_value := range anagramMap {
		data = append(data, strs_value)
	return data

Although I am confident that this time complexity is O(m * n), I also have to admit that neetcode’s solution is much more clean and faster. Benchmarking the two with N = 1000 and N = 10,000 proved that my solution is only 60% as performative as Neetcode’s

goos: windows
goarch: amd64
pkg: leetcode-fighter-go/array_and_hasing/anagram_groups
cpu: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-11900K @ 3.50GHz
BenchmarkGroupAnagrams/MySolution_-16              20464             56304 ns/op

BenchmarkGroupAnagrams/Neetcode_-16                36330             33041 ns/op

BenchmarkGroupAnagrams/Test_10000-16               2085             563571 ns/op

BenchmarkGroupAnagrams/Neetcode_10000_-16          3574             339131 ns/op

Neetcode Solution

func groupAnagramsNeetCodeSolution(strs []string) [][]string {
	res := make(map[[26]int][]string)

	for _, s := range strs {
		var count [26]int
		for _, c := range s {
		res[count] = append(res[count], s)

	var result [][]string
	for _, group := range res {
		result = append(result, group)
	return result

Again, he abused the assumption that all characters in string are English alphabet. His overall strategy is the same as mine (it’s well proved that my algorithm scales as good as his), but he did some micro-optimization that briliantly require less code, but 50% faster.

  • Instead of a string as key (like mine), he used array of rune as key
  • Then instead check if any aragram of input string is the same as the key (as mine), he loops through string (to be rune) and create array from it.
  • This array is reused as key for the hashmap

The most interesting point is that array as key can be essily access by value. It turns out that every comparable value can be used as key. Also, every array of comparabled value can be comparabled: Source

Array types are comparable if their array element types are comparable. Two array values are equal if their corresponding element values are equal. The elements are compared in ascending index order, and comparison stops as soon as two element values differ (or all elements have been compared).

Very brilliant! This inspired me to make a solution of mine (work with generic character instead)

New Solution

func GroupAnagramNew(strs []string) [][]string {
	res := make(map[string][]string)
	sortified := func(str string) string {
		runes := []rune(str)
		sort.Slice(runes, func(i, j int) bool {
			return runes[i] < runes[j]
		return string(runes)
	for _, str := range strs {
		sorted_string := sortified(str)
		res[sorted_string] = append(res[sorted_string], str)
	data := [][]string{}
	for _, strs_value := range res {
		data = append(data, strs_value)
	return data

What changes:

  • Sort each the string to check if it’s similar to the ‘key’
  • If yes, append to the hashmap, if not, create a new key

Pretty significant change as long as I concern. However, The truth is that its performance is not really … a boost. With N=1000

goos: windows
goarch: amd64
pkg: leetcode-fighter-go/array_and_hasing/anagram_groups
cpu: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-11900K @ 3.50GHz
BenchmarkGroupAnagrams/First_Solution:_N=1000-16                   20601    59440 ns/op
BenchmarkGroupAnagrams/Neetcode:_N=1000-16                         35193    33629 ns/op
BenchmarkGroupAnagrams/New_Solution:_N=1000-16                     19917    60317 ns/op

With N=10,000

BenchmarkGroupAnagrams/First_Solution:_N=10000-16                   2030    568944 ns/op
BenchmarkGroupAnagrams/Neetcode:_N=10000-16                         3373    342457 ns/op
BenchmarkGroupAnagrams/New_Solution:_N=10000-16                     2000    590706 ns/op

It’s hard to believe that with such optimization. Nothing really change at all. It’s seem like the core of difference is the smart use of array (len: 26) is perfectly fit given that the input includes only English-alphabet character only


It’s funny and remarkable to realize that a small change in given scenario can lead to dramatic difference! Not only on result but also interm of algorithm design.

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