Leetcode Fighter: Leetcode and GoLang

Created on: 19 Nov 24 08:50 +0700 by Son Nguyen Hoang in English

Documents and study note when I followed Neetcode's problem path

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Recently, I started solving basic Leetcode question. However, there are so many problem and I don’t think doing all of them in consequence would be effective. Fortunately, Neetcode kindly provides a program path for Leetcode for free. The link can be visited here: https://neetcode.io/roadmap

At the same time, I was looking for another language for backend system. The one made me interested is Golang, thus I thought this could be one arrow for two targets, practicing Golang while solving & learning on algorithm and analysis. Hell yeah. I couldn’t think of anything better.

Here is the link to the leetcode solution (in Go): https://github.com/sonnguyen9800/leetcode-fighter-go. As an amanteur writer, I also tried to add a detailed analysis and testing, benchmark evaluation for each solution I made. The analysis (written in .md) file had been added into the repository. Still, i reuploaded them here for convenience.

Part A. Array and Hasing

Contains Duplicate
Valid Anagram
Two Sum
Group Anagram
Top K Frequent Elements
Encoding & Decoding
Product of Array Except Self
Valid Sudoku
Longest Consecutive Array
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