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My name is Son Nguyen Hoang, I was born in 1998, Hanoi City 😙
The first language I picked up was Pascal. Oh! I miss those days so much 😌
Then, I learned RPG Maker to make final-fantasy-like games 😈
In 2017, I moved to HCM City to enroll Software Engineer Program in RMIT University 😋
University life was full of joy and exciting things! I spent one year at Melbourne as an exchange student 😆
Now, I choose Game Development as my main career 🔥
Visit my Github Account to know more about my project! I deployed my games there 👾
Sometime I record and upload videos of my project to Youtube. Hope you enjoy it 😹

My avatar

My name is Son Nguyen Hoang, I was born in 1998, Hanoi City 😙
The first language I picked up was Pascal. Oh! I missed those days so much 😌
Then, I learned RPG Maker to make final-fantasy-like games 😈
Time flied, I moved to HCM City to enroll Software Engineer Program in RMIT University 😋
University life was full of joy and exciting things! I spent one year at Melbourne as an exchanged student 😆
Now, I choosed Game Development as my main career 🔥
Visit my Github Account to know more about my project! I deployed my game there 👾
Sometime I record and upload videos of my project to Youtube. Hope you enjoy it 😹

Sisyphus Lab: Dec/2024 - now
Co-Founder and Game developer at Sisyphus Lab. Sisyphus Lab is a new startup on Robotics and game devlopment. We are young and currently create PC game using Godot Engine and Roblox Game. We are willing to craft videos game from creative, original ideas.

Imba Studio: March/2021 - May/2024
Game developer at Imba Studio. My main job is coding game features according to the specifications given by game designers & artists. The tech-stack I use are Unity 2D and C# on client-side and Javascript for server-side script. I also use Google Firebase & Playfab as backend service. The game I got involved are: Kawaii Puzzle, Kawaii Mansion, Kawaii Island, Kawaii Fishing, Kawaii Theater Solitaire and Tile Plays: Kawaii Show Design

Young Buffalo Studio: March/2022 - Feb/2023
I was the first game developer in a brand new game studio! I took responsibility as the core developer and even semi-tutor for two other junior game devs. Since the startup launched, I got my hand involved in various game prototypes and demos. Such as a Zombie-shooting game that combined Tycoon Simulation elements on Roblox, a Simulation & Business game on BlockmanGo and a mobile game made by Unity

RMIT Developer Club: June/2020 - Jan/2021
I joined the club and hosted many events & game projects. You can play the games we made in my Github. The game I got involved are: Spaceship Shooter and Wizardy Fate.

ABB Company: June/2020 - Jan/2021
I did my University Capstone Project with ABB Company. Me and my team were asked to develope a software system to control the robot and pick up object from a box filled with objects in random position & pose. The robot is guided using two normal RGB Cameras. A lot of technologies were combined to make it possible. While the source code cannot be published you can still find the trials demostration here.

RMIT Vietnam - IT and Engineering Group: Sep/2017 - now
I created a private, facebook group for Engineer & IT Student in RMIT University. This place is intended to be a relaxing & education forum for alumni & current student. In April, my facebook group has 390 members. Oh! So you want to join too? Just visit the link here.
My Library
My private book library hosted on Google Cloud. Created using calibre-web, Hostinger and nginx. Books are synchronized to an OneDrive folder. Automation script was written in Python. Visit here to know about this project

Ultimate Rainbow Survivor
A multiplayer and hyper-casual, Mobile game that has been released on Android and IOS

Zombie Survival Army Defense
A tycoon and FPS, Zombie-shooting game that has been released on Robox

FromTiles2Images is a lightweight, drag-and-drop tool to convert Unity 2D tilemap into image format (e.g .png). You can download the plugin here.

Today in History
An educational website that shows you events from the past based on the day of the week you visit! Try the website here! .

Wizardy Fate
A 2d-platform, action game with pixel style and gothic theme. You can try it here.

Spaceship Shooter
A hyper-casual game for PC made by Unity. You can play the game for free at this link.

2014-2016: Yenhoa Highschool, Hanoi City
2017-7/2018: Rmit University, South Saigon
8/2018-8/2019: Rmit University, Melbourne City
8/2019-11/2021: Banchelor of Software Engineering (Honours 1st Class) in RMIT University, South Saigon. My GPA is 3.6/4.0
XMR Wallet: 86uyE9cMGvhGvur5U4a2RrYWjtU3WtGykQiK4smTRmEnMrnkAQbVGe5TWWU1LaprMJRbBVtECf5QL7ixwKcpdE2aUp9qeyW

Website was created using Bootstrap through npm, Hugo , Google Fonts and Font Awesome Free

The background cover was painted by Joaquín Sorolla in 1886, named Italian Girl with Flowers

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